Maintaining current contact information helps the board and its
committees reach owners and tenants with important board announcements
as well as during emergency events such as a water/gas main break or to
report storm damage to vehicles or other property. Each owner
and paying tenant should complete a separate form.
Non-resident owners should enter their address at the end of the
form. Note: You do NOT need to have a Google account in order
to update and submit the form.
As we close out a year that has been dark for so many, I encourage you to look for the light that surrounds us during the holidays. Our faith communities, neighborhoods and homes have been lit inside and out to celebrate our diverse faiths and the beginning of a new year. It has really been a treat to see such creative and joyous use of light all around Hunter Mill District. And for those of us interested in the visible heavens, keep an eye on the sky on Dec. 21 when Jupiter and Saturn will be so close in the sky that they will appear to be one bright star. The last time this occurred during a night sky was 800 years ago, so make sure you take a few