The minutes of the December 2016 meeting of the Board are now posted.
BOD minutes for December
Maintaining current contact information helps the board and its
committees reach owners and tenants with important board announcements
as well as during emergency events such as a water/gas main break or to
report storm damage to vehicles or other property. Each owner
and paying tenant should complete a separate form.
Non-resident owners should enter their address at the end of the
form. Note: You do NOT need to have a Google account in order
to update and submit the form.
December 20, 2016
December 7, 2016
November Minutes
The minutes of the November BOD meeting are now posted on the BOD Page or simply click on the link provided below.
November 29, 2016
December board meeting
The December meeting of the Waterview Cluster Board of Directors will be held on Monday, December 5th at 7:00 PM at 11467 Waterview Cluster.
November 8, 2016
Fall leaf pick up
Our first leaf pick-up will be November 15, Tuesday next week. If you'd like your leaves picked up, please rake them into piles either in the street along the curb or to common areas. We should have one more pick-up before the end of the year. Please pass this along to any neighbors you know who may not be on the yahoo group list since this is the only notification we'll be sending out.
October 31, 2016
November Board Meeting
The November meeting of the Waterview Cluster Board of Directors will take place at 11467 Waterview at 7:00 PM. on November 7th.
September 27, 2016
September Minutes and change of BOD meeting date
Stay current with what is going on with your cluster.
The September minutes are now posted on the BOD page.
The October meeting of the Board of Directors has cancelled due to unavailability of three board members and officers. The next meeting will be Monday, November 7th at 7:00 PM.
The September minutes are now posted on the BOD page.
The October meeting of the Board of Directors has cancelled due to unavailability of three board members and officers. The next meeting will be Monday, November 7th at 7:00 PM.
September 9, 2016
September Board Meeting
The September meeting of the Waterview Cluster Board of Directors will be held on Monday, Sept 12 at 7:00 PM at 11467 Waterview Cluster.
September 4, 2016
Sat. October 1 (9:00- 12:00)
Contact: Karen Wilkens,
Cooler weather should be coming soon (I hope) and that means
we’re gearing up for our fall Cluster workday!
This year the workday will be on Saturday October 1 from 9 – 12, and the
rain date will be Sunday the 2nd. Please
mark it on your calendars and come on out!
We’ll meet at the marina for a Cluster provided breakfast at
9:00 and then break to work on projects.
We’ll meet back at the marina at 12 to share some lunch and revel in all
that we accomplished. The Cluster will
provide drinks and sandwiches of some sort or hot dogs and buns with the
fixings, if someone volunteers to bring a grill. We ask that anyone who would like to join for
lunch, please bring a dish to share – dessert, salad, side dish, whatever you
can dream up or whatever your specialty may be!
Here are this year’s projects and the tools needed for each
one. You’ll want to have gardening or
work gloves for all of these tasks. Look
over the list and pick a couple of favorites. We’ll divvy up the work the morning of.
Weed the mulched hillside at the WV entrance in front of the pool at
North Shore
Weeding tool
Cut down the dead yew by the electrical box near the pool
Pruning shears, large clippers, hand saw
Cut back and shape the overgrown bushes by the pool
Clippers, pruning shears
Cut down the weed tree and remove the euonymus by the Van Gogh Bridge
Small hand saw, shovel, clippers
Weed/clean-up along the sidewalk between 11430 and 11432 WV
tool, pruning shears
Cut back and shape the large bushes blocking the view of the lake
close to the dog bag dispenser by the marina
pruning shears
Plant pachysandra around the tree to the left of the tot lot
Fill in areas on the bank between the sidewalk and driveway near
11412 with pachysandra and mulch
Tame/cut back hedgerows consuming the dogwood by the stairs in front
of 11424 OL
clippers, pruning shears
Trim the grasses, remove tree suckers, weed, etc. in the berm area in
lower OL parking lot near the orchard
tool, pruning shears
OL entrance and continue work to reclaim over grown area near the
front OL entrance
clippers, pruning shears
Cut back overgrowth and weed plants around the base of the tree to
the left of the carport near the OL entrance sign
tool, pruning shears, clippers
Prune bushes and plants behind upper OL trash bin area so plants will
fill in better next spring
shears, shovels
Clear and cut back encroaching trees from the walking path behind the
upper OL trash bin area
Hand saw,
large clippers, pruning shears
Trim/shape yews along 11466 – 11478 OL
pruning shears
Weed the swale/area by the RA path at intersection with the boyscout
bridge path
Weeding tool
Cut back and weed plants growing in the reclaimed border area near
the playfield
pruning shears, shovels, weeding tool
Plant ivy and/or spread pine straw along path leading to and away
from the boyscout bridge
Shovels, scissors
Trim back the yew that is over growing the light pole between 11497
and 11499 WV
Final planting of periwinkle in Waterview Square
Big and small shovels, gardening gloves
Cut back dead limbs of cherry laurels in front of 11467 and
along-side the carport
Pruning shears, large clippers, gardening gloves
Spread pine straw along the path leading to the bridge over the grand
Remove uneven stepping stones between 11463 and 11465 WV and replace
with topsoil, plantings (i.e. mondo grass) and pine straw
Non-gardening work to be done
Sand and paint handrails by 11460, 11462, 11464, and 11440 OL
Supplies provided by the cluster
Clean carport gutters
Broom, ladder
Just like at this year’s spring workday, we’ll be collecting
cans of paint that need to be taken to the landfill. One of our neighbors has volunteered to make
a run for all of us!
Looking forward to seeing
you all out there!
handrails by me and Debby; Sand and paint handrails by 11460, 11462, and 11464
COT: remove
lowest branch of the dogwood in the center of the upper waterview parking lot
Waterview Cluster:Upper
Final planting of periwinkle in Waterview
Cut down the dead yew
Cut back dead limbs of cherry laurels
in front of 11467 and along-side the carport
Weed the new mulched area at the WV entrance
in front of the pool at North Shore
Waterview Cluster Lower
Cut down the weed tree
and remove the euonymus by the Van Gogh Bridge sidewalk
Cut back and
shape the overgrown bushes by the pool
Playfield vicinity:
Cut back and weed plants growing in
the reclaimed border area near the playfield (Joan Kenney)
Weed the swale/area by the RA path at
intersection with the boyscout bridge path (get house number)
Cut back and shape the large bushes
blocking the view of the lake close to the dog bag dispenser
Prune bushes and plants behind the trash
bins so they will fill in better next spring
Cut back in-growing trees from the
walking path behind the trash bins
Transplant hydrangeas etc at the front
OL entrance (Joan Kenney)
Cut back overgrowth and weed plants
around the base of the tree to the left of the carport near the sign
Remove dead cherry laurel (possibly
return to Meadows Farms if have receipt)
Trim/shape yews on the Dillard’s row
Fill in areas on the
bank between the sidewalk and driveway near 11412 with pachysandra and mulch
Tame/cut back hedgerows
consuming the dogwood by the stairs in front of Jim Traylor’s house #?
Prune holly bushes in
front of 11404 Orchard Lane
Trim the grasses, remove
tree suckers, weed, etc. in the berm area in the parking lot near the orchard
(Liz and Jeff Denton)
Contract Cardinal, Perfect Landscape, or Meadows Farm:
Treat the soil, plant pachysandra, and mulch the eroding playfield
slope near the Traylor’s
Plant Zelkova tree in median
Notes for Cardinal:
Whatever you did by the path by the tot lot looks great. Stayed put and
looks nice. Can we do it in more places?
Mow ivy early and often
Kill poison ivy near bamboo
Trim the abelia along carport in upper Orchard Lane
Trim the yews by the Dillard’s going forward
August 16, 2016
August 3, 2016
Tree Pruning on Both Sides of Cluster, August 3 - August 5
A crew from The Care of Trees will be pruning Cluster trees on both the Waterview and Orchard Lane sides of the Cluster. Work will begin on Wednesday, August 3 on the Orchard Lane side and continue over the next several days. There may be a need to move selected vehicles during the course of this work, but no traffic disruptions are anticipated.
Please call Charlie Saunders at 703-376-1473 if you have any questions or concerns.
Please call Charlie Saunders at 703-376-1473 if you have any questions or concerns.
July 28, 2016
Notice of Waterview Cluster Board of Directors meeting
The August meeting of the board of directors will be Monday, August 1, 2016 at 7:00 PM at 11467 Waterview Cluster.
July 25, 2016
June 23, 2016
Notification of July Board Meeting
The next Waterview Cluster Board of Directors meeting will be held at 7:00
PM on Monday, July 11, 2016 at the home of Karen Wilkens at 11467 Waterview
June 14, 2016
WCA Recycling: Fairfax County Now Accepts Cartons for Recycling
June 2016 update from

Cartons are Recyclable in Fairfax County
Throughout Fairfax County, you can now place cartons in your recycling bin. This new addition to our program will help
divert more materials from the landfill.
divert more materials from the landfill.
What are cartons?
Cartons are the packaging for many products you can find at the store including milk, juice, cream, egg substitutes,
soy milk, soup, broth, and wine. They come in two different types-shelf stable and refrigerated cartons.
soy milk, soup, broth, and wine. They come in two different types-shelf stable and refrigerated cartons.
How do I recycle cartons?
Place empty rinsed cartons in your recycling bin. Please remove caps and straws.
What happens to the cartons I recycle?
As with all recyclables, they are first taken to a local material recycling facility to be sorted and baled. The bales
of cartons are then placed on a truck and transported to a paper mill. Here, fiber in the cartons is converted into pulp,
which in turn is made into recycled paper products and building materials.
of cartons are then placed on a truck and transported to a paper mill. Here, fiber in the cartons is converted into pulp,
which in turn is made into recycled paper products and building materials.
Why should I recycle cartons?
Cartons are made from high-quality paper, making it a valuable recyclable commodity. This means that companies want
this material to make new products, and cartons can generate revenue for a recycling program, offsetting some of the
costs of collection.
Don't delay, start recycling your cartons today!this material to make new products, and cartons can generate revenue for a recycling program, offsetting some of the
costs of collection.
To learn more about cartons, visit
June 7, 2016
June Board Meeting
The next meeting of the Waterview Cluster Board of Directors will be held at the home of Bruce Geyman 11444 Waterview Cluster on Thursday, June 16, 2016 at 7:30 PM.
May 22, 2016
May 2016 Minutes
The link provided should allow access to the minutes of the May 2016 board meeting.May Minutes 2016
May 19, 2016
Notification of upcoming meetings of the board
- Organizational Meeting of the new Board on May 24,2016 7:00 PM at 11467 Waterview.
- Next meeting of the BOD June 16, 2016 at 7:00 PM location TBA
- Budget Summit June 21, 2016 at 7:00 PM 11424 Orchard Lane
May 2, 2016
April Minutes of the Board of Directors meeting
The April minutes are now available. Please click the link provided below.
April 2016 minutes
April 2016 minutes
April 25, 2016
May Board Meeting
next meeting of the BOD will be Thursday,
May 5th at the home of Aimee Freeman, 11434 Orchard Lane.
April 20, 2016
2016 Spring Workday Success
Hello everybody,
I want to send out a big thank you to everyone who showed up for spring workday. We accomplished everything on the list and more!
The gutters are clean, the sheds are tidy and inventoried, the periwinkle is planted, annuals are planted, the walking path in the derecho area is nice and clear, the stroller path by the Dillards is clear, branches are all picked up and pruning galore!
And it was a lot of fun!
P.S. Since we finished our list, please send me any ideas you have for other projects.
March 31, 2016
April Board Meeting
There will be a meeting of the Waterview Cluster Board of Directors at 7:00 PM, Thursday April 14, 2016 at the home of Aimee Freeman, 11434 Orchard Lane.
March 29, 2016
March Minutes
The minutes of the March meeting of the are now available for you reading pleasure. Simply click the link below.
March 2016 minutes
March 2016 minutes
March 21, 2016
WCA Spring Workday
Hello All,
It’s gratefully springtime again and almost time for our Cluster Workday! This year the workday will be on Saturday April 16 from 9 – 12. The rain date will be Sunday the 17th. Please mark it on your calendars and come on out!
We’ll meet at the marina for a Cluster provided breakfast at 9:00 and then break to work on projects. Then we’ll all come back at 12 to bask in the glory of having gotten things done and share some lunch. The Cluster will provide hot dogs and buns with the fixings as well as drinks. We ask that anyone who would like to join for lunch, please bring a dish to share – dessert, salad, side dish – whatever you can dream up or whatever your specialty may be!
Here are this year’s projects and the tools needed for each one. We’re looking for a volunteer to lead up each of these projects. Please reach out to me if you’d like to take one on: or 703-929-5465.
Plant periwinkle at Waterview Square.
Big and small shovels, gardening gloves
Cut back brush and tree overhang along and in the way of the stroller path.
Pruning shears, large clippers, rakes, gardening gloves
Widen and keep clear the walking paths in the derecho damaged area behind the Orchard Lane trash area. Remove brush along the backside of this area by the RA path.
Pruning shears, large clippers, gardening gloves
Plant colorful annuals in two locations, one in Orchard Lane and one in Waterview.
Small shovels and gardening gloves
Pick up the many fallen branches
Gardening gloves
Clean out the two storage sheds and take inventory of the contents
Brooms and work gloves
We’ll also be collecting cans of paint that need to be taken to the landfill. One of our neighbors has
volunteered to make a run for all of us!
Looking forward to seeing you all out there!
Karen Wilkens
Waterview Cluster Board Member
March 9, 2016
Update on Covenants Committee Meeting
My apologies. Please note the date of the Covenants Committe is MARCH 14, 2016 at 7:00 PM.
For more information please contact Tiffany Lockhart
Sorry for the confusion.........I should not do blog posts when I should be sleeping🙄💤😀
For more information please contact Tiffany Lockhart
Sorry for the confusion.........I should not do blog posts when I should be sleeping🙄💤😀
March 6, 2016
March meeting of the Board of Directors date changed
The March meeting of the Board of Directors of Waterview Cluster will be held on Tuesday, March 8 at 7:00 PM at the home of Aimee Freeman at 11434 Orchard Ln.
February 29, 2016
Yard Waste Pick up
Republic Trash and Recycling will resume our Wednesday yard waste pick on Wednesday, March 2, 2016. Yard waste should be placed at the curb no sooner than Tuesday evening preferably after dark. You may use a container of your choice, paper yard waste bags or clearly marked plastic bags. Branches and the like should be cut into 4' lengths and tied for easy pickup.
Monday Trash and Recycling
Wednesday Yard Waste
Thursday Trash
February 28, 2016
Tree Removal Redux
The Care of Trees will be back on the Waterview side of the Cluster to attempt, once again, to remove the failing Red Oaks behind 11441 WC and 11485 WC. COT will be using a larger crane during this attempt, in hopes of completing the work in a single day.
Those directly affected have been alerted. The schedule, in brief:
- 7 AM to late morning -- Red Oak behind 11485 WC will be removed. It will not be possible for cars to enter or exit the lower level of the carport or adjacent parking spaces while the crane is in place.
- Noon to late afternoon -- Red Oak behind 11441 WC will be removed. The crane will completely block the roadway, preventing access or egress from 11443 WC down to the marina.
- If time permits, the crane will move to the marina parking area to assist in removing the Elm and Red Maple along the beach.
Please contact Charlie Saunders (703-376-1473) with any questions or concerns.
February 22, 2016
Tree Removals Re-Scheduled
Adverse weather conditions prevented the removal of the following trees last week:
- Red Oak behind 11441 Waterview Cluster;
- Red Oak behind 11485 Waterview Cluster;
- Elm & Red Maple on the beach at the marina.
The removal of the Red Oak behind 11441 WC has been postponed for several weeks, due to prior commitments at an adjacent property.
The Red Oak behind 11485 WC will be removed beginning on Tuesday, February 23. Cluster representatives will be in touch with local residents to discuss the need to remove parked cars along the row directly facing 11485 WC. Follow-up work, potentially including removal of the Sugar Maple and Red Maple spars left behind previously, will be undertaken later in the week (Thursday & Friday).
Please contact Charlie Saunders via email ( or, via cell phone, at 703-376-1473 with any questions or concerns.
February 16, 2016
Minutes of the February Meeting
The minutes of the February meeting of the Waterview Cluster Board are now available .
February 2016 Minutes
February 2016 Minutes
February 12, 2016
Operations Plan For Upcoming Forecast Winter Weather (12-Feb-2016)
A note from Perfect Landscapes, our cluster snow removal contractor (lightly edited):
In an effort to help you manage the expectations of your cluster's residents I wanted to keep you informed of our plan regarding a couple of upcoming forecast winter weather events...
...This evening we are expecting snow flurries/showers. While the predicted amount of precipitation is negligible and plowing operations are not anticipated, it is cold enough that whatever does fall will stick and might cause slick and icy conditions. We are keeping an eye on this and will be making sand/salt/chemical applications to combat any slippery conditions as required.
Our next round of winter weather will be passing through our area on Monday. Right now this system looks like it has the potential to drop several inches of snow during the day before transitioning to freezing rain and then finally rain in the overnight into Tuesday. Plowing is anticipated during the day on Monday and will commence when accumulations have reached approximately two inches. Sand/salt/chemical applications will follow as required.
February 6, 2016
High-Priority Tree Removals Scheduled
Six failing Cluster trees are scheduled for removal during the second and third weeks of February. These include:
- Sugar Maple in parking island in front of 11450 Waterview Cluster;
- Sugar Maple in front of 11442 Waterview Cluster;
- Red Oak behind 11441 Waterview Cluster;
- Red Oak behind 11485 Waterview Cluster;
- Elm on the beach at the marina;
- Red Maple adjacent to the Elm along the marina beach.
The two Sugar Maples will be removed on Monday, February 8 and Tuesday, February 9, weather permitting. Cars parked next to these trees, several in the case of the former and one in the case of the latter, will need to be moved elsewhere to allow access to the trees.
The two Red Oaks will be removed with the assistance of a construction crane beginning on Friday, February 12 and concluding on Tuesday, February 16. Cluster representatives will be in touch with local residents to discuss the need to remove parked cars and any traffic impediments associated with this work.
Please contact Charlie Saunders via email ( or, via cell phone, at 703-376-1473 with any questions or concerns.
January 28, 2016
Board Meeting
There will be a meeting of the Waterview Cluster Board of Directors at 7:00 PM, Monday, February 1, 2016 at the home of Aimee Freeman, 11434 Orchard Lane.
January 24, 2016
WCA Snow Contractor Update for Sunday January 24, 2016
A status update from our snow removal contractor:
"1. Clusters will be made passable for fire and ems vehicles. This is a priority of ours and we focus on first. The plow operator working Waterview also is responsible for Hickory Cluster, Courts Cluster and Hunt Club Cluster.
2. Once all of the drivers' properties are 'open', detail work will begin on properties. We have not started this phase of operations yet, but hope to soon.
Robert Work
Perfect Landscapes"
January 22, 2016
Blizzard preparedness letter from the snow removal contractor, Perfect Landscapes.
Dear snow removal client,We are sure by now you are well aware of this weekends impending potentially historic snow storm. This storm will produce heavy snowfall amounts and high winds. Blizzard conditions with snow fall rates of 1-3" per hour are expected.We have made sufficient preparations and are ready. That being said the very nature of a storm of this magnitude presents many challenges. Our equipment and employees will be pushed to their limits and in some cases beyond.Throughout Friday night and Saturday during the heaviest snow we will be working hard to keep at least one lane open in your neighborhood. As the storm moves away from our area on Saturday evening we will begin the process of 'digging out'. It will most likely take until late Monday or possibly Tuesday before we are able to wrap up snow operations.Throughout the storm we will be periodically updating you with current information regarding the state of our snow removal operations.During this time please be patient with us and understand that we are working as efficiently as we can considering the circumstances. We will get through it with determination and everyone's cooperation and understanding.Please be safe.Sincerely,The Perfect Landscapes Snow Removal Team
January 17, 2016
January Updates
The minutes of the January meeting of the Board of Directors have been added to the BOD page of You should be able to access the documents by clicking this link. January minutes 2016
January 5, 2016
Christmas Trees and De-Icing Materials
Please find below the promised information about Christmas tree disposal and de-icing product information.
- Republic Trash and Recycling will be picking up Christmas trees on the first two Wednesdays of January.The first pick up will be tomorrow January 6. The second and final pick up will be Wednesday, January 13th. The trees will be recycled. The naturalized areas of Waterview Cluster are not appropriate for disposal of any yard waste including Christmas trees.
- The sand buckets are in place throughout the cluster for use by residents.
- Just a reminder about de-icing products. We can avoid unnecessary degradation of our concrete walkways by using common sense about what we purchase. Safe Paws is one of the available products both pet, plant and concrete friendly.
Using a de-icing product requires more than spreading it around. Knowing the age of a sidewalk and the product’s ingredients are important to prevent damage. Before buying a de-icing product, consider the following:
• Concrete sidewalks and steps should be at least six months old, otherwise they can be severely damaged by de-icing products.
• Products containing ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate should never be used since these will break down even the most durable masonry materials.
• Applying deicers near areas of vegetation can potentially harm plant life if strong enough concentrations build up in the soil
• To provide better traction use sand in combination with a deicer or by itself.
• Products containing ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate should never be used since these will break down even the most durable masonry materials.
• Applying deicers near areas of vegetation can potentially harm plant life if strong enough concentrations build up in the soil
• To provide better traction use sand in combination with a deicer or by itself.
Using a de-icing product requires more than spreading it around. Knowing the age of a sidewalk and the product’s ingredients are important to prevent damage. Before buying a de-icing product, consider the following:
• Concrete sidewalks and steps should be at least six months old, otherwise they can be severely damaged by de-icing products.
• Products containing ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate should never be used since these will break down even the most durable masonry materials.
• Applying deicers near areas of vegetation can potentially harm plant life if strong enough concentrations build up in the soil
• To provide better traction use sand in combination with a deicer or by itself.
• Products containing ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate should never be used since these will break down even the most durable masonry materials.
• Applying deicers near areas of vegetation can potentially harm plant life if strong enough concentrations build up in the soil
• To provide better traction use sand in combination with a deicer or by itself.
In Memory of Edward Nussbaum
Ed Nussbaum, a neighbor and friend passed away at home on the morning of December 25th. You may remember Ed pulling in to the cluster in his beloved antique Dodge convertible with the top down and a big smile on his face. He loved that car, he loved Waterview Cluster, he loved a good pun, but most of all he loved his spouse, Linda.
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