Waterview Cluster Association
Regular Board of Directors Meeting
Monday March 6, 2017 7:00 PM
1. Call to Order & Welcome - Karen Wilkens
2. Approve February meeting minutes
3. December Financials – Marge Carrico
4. Capital Improvements - Charlie Saunders and Jim Traylor
a. Sickly pines near Lakeside property boundary
5. Trash and Snow Removal – Jeff Crowe
6. Spring Workday – Bruce Geyman
7. Landscape Report – Karen Wilkens
8. Covenants Committee – Tiffany Lockhart
9. Status of WVC handbook revisions – Bobbie Kennedy and Marge Carrico
a. Issues for Board discussion
10. Miscellaneous – Karen Wilkens
a. Rose Gallery Rental for May General Meeting
b. Status of Car in Orchard Lane with expired license plates and registration
c. Date of April Meeting
11. Adjourn